Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (2024)

In Patch 2.4, this build is not competitive enough, so we decided to remove it from the menus.We are leaving it on the website for documentation purposes.


About the Author

This build is presented to you by Deadset,one of the very few professional Diablo 3 players.Deadset regularly publishes video guides onYoutube andstreams on Twitch, where you cansee how this and other builds play out in practice.


Video Guide

The following video guide was created to accompany the present written guide and demonstrate how to play the build in-game.



Active Skills
Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (1)Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (2)Shock PulseWizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (3) Piercing OrbWizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (4)Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (5)HydraWizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (6) Mammoth Hydra1Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (7)Energy TwisterWizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (8) Wicked Wind2Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (9)BlizzardWizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (10) Frozen Solid3Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (11)Magic WeaponWizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (12) Force Weapon4Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (13)Energy ArmorWizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (14) Force Armor
Passive Skills


Strategy, Skills, and Runes

The basic strategy of the build involves the rotation between spells of different elements, which in turn delivers a Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (19) Meteor of the corresponding damagetype. The individual spells also deliver utility of their own; while Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (20) Hydra is strictly a damage dealer, Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (21) Energy Twister is used as means to group upenemies, and Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (22) Blizzard is a strong crowd controller of its own. Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (23) Shock Pulse is a signature ability chosen for its excellent range and safety,bringing you the potent proc of the Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (24) Focus and Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (25) Restraint rings. The Wizard mainstays Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (26) Magic Weapon and Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (27) Force Armor remain as steadybuffs in the background, helping your character survive and deliver to his maximum potential.

To obtain the damage bonus of the Bastions of Will set (Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (28) Focus and Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (29) Restraint), it is necessary to use a primary ability in the build. The skillof choice for that purpose is Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (30) Shock Pulse, which also grants you a screen-long range through the Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (31) Piercing Orb rune. While the oscillation might seemunreliable at first, the big hitbox of the orb brings consistency to your lightning Tal Rasha procs.

The primary damage dealer of the build, and your source of fire Tal Rasha procs, comes in the form of Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (32) Hydra with the AoE-oriented Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (33) Mammoth Hydra.Doubled by the Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (34) Serpent's Sparker and sped up by Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (35) Tasker and Theo, your summons will bring fiery devastation in abundance. At a cheap 15 Arcane Powercost, and with excellent 15 second uptime, Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (36) Hydra brings you the best balance between damage and resource efficiency, allowing you to freely cast yourcrowd controllers. Do not be afraid to refresh the Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (37) Hydras accordingly as the Rift layout demands.

The Season 3 bracer Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (38) Ranslor's Folly brings a new source of crowd control to Wizards, drawing enemies toward your Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (39) Energy Twister casts. The spendernature of Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (40) Energy Twister frees you from the cooldown reduction requirements of the traditional pulling tool, Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (41) Black Hole — but at the cost ofnot affecting elites. Even so, the utility of drawing entire trash packs on a single spot for the incoming Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (42) Meteor devastation is a highly recommendedoption. It is made even easier with the static Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (43) Wicked Wind rune, which will be the source of your arcane Tal Rasha proc.

A second crowd controller, and your source of the cold Tal Rasha proc, is found in Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (44) Blizzard. At a hefty 40 Arcane Power cost, it is the most gluttonousskill in the build, but is well worth it for the strong freezing effect of the Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (45) Frozen Solid rune. It is an excellent follow up to a Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (46) Wicked Wind pull,and will be your solitary source of control over elites; do not hesitate to use it, as none of your other spenders needs recasting with the same frequency.

Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (47) Magic Weapon sneaks its way into yet another Wizard build; being a strong steroid of 20% damage bonus, unconditional and with no drawbacks, and withexcellent uptime to boot, Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (48) Force Weapon is hard to pass up.

The protective spell of choice for long-range casters is Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (49) Energy Armor, and for good reason. Shielding you from the inevitable spike damage in highGreater Rifting environments like no other armor spell does, Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (50) Force Armor is even more necessary in this glass cannon setup with Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (51) Focus andWizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (52) Restraint.

This concludes the overview of the Active Skills, now let us look through the Passives.

While it is less reliable than its cheat death counterparts for other classes, Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (53) Unstable Anomaly is still another chance at not facing the defeatscreen. At an agreeable 60 second cooldown, it will become a constant companion to your Greater Rift pushes, preventing the occasional misstep.

Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (54) Blur stands as another protective layer in this generally glassy Wizard setup. Offering a sizable 17% decrease in damage taken, it is a solid choiceif you want to minimize death timer frustrations.

With few stable options for on-gear resource gain, Wizards usually devote a passive or two for Arcane Power management. This resource-intensive setup is noexception, and it is highly recommended that you include Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (55) Astral Presence in the setup to offset the Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (56) Energy Armor AP loss, and add passiveregeneration.

Finally, Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (57) Elemental Exposure makes a natural fit with the multi-element nature of the build; you will constantly benefit from the full 4 stacks as yourotate through the elements at your disposal.



Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (58) Serpent's Sparker, the recommended weapon for the build, can be sometimes troublesome to find. In such cases, or if you do not enjoy the summoner gameplayin general, you can temporarily replace Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (59) Hydra with Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (60) Meteor Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (61) Meteor Shower and use Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (62) Sun Keeper, or the crafted Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (63) Devastator instead. Thisalso necessitates that you switch to Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (64) Tal Rasha's Grasp and Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (65) Cindercoat in the gear.

If you hurt for mobility, you can swap Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (66) Energy Twister for Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (67) Teleport Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (68) Calamity, and replace Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (69) Ranslor's Folly for Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (70) Ancient Parthan Defenders.If you go this route, it is also recommended that you switch to the Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (71) Unity and Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (72) Halo of Arlyse rings, and replace Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (73) Force Armor withWizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (74) Ice Armor Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (75) Crystallize. This tankier setup is better at engaging and disengaging the enemy, but demands better density than the regular spec.

Deviating into the stun rune of Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (76) Teleport will bring more crowd control and stability to your Arcane Power, in which case you can replaceWizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (77) Unstable Anomaly for Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (78) Illusionist and Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (79) Astral Presence for Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (80) Arcane Dynamo. The constant use of a primary skill will bring you Flashesof Insight at a steady rate, and you will enjoy some additional damage.

A fine option for a primary if you spec into Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (81) Arcane Dynamo is Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (82) Electrocute Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (83) Arc Lightning; while it brings you to melee range and will demand atankier setup, the speed at which it builds up Dynamo stacks is unparalleled.


Best in Slot Gear and Alternatives

The heart and soul of this Meteor-centric build is the Tal Rasha set, whose full bonuses are best obtained by wearing six of the seven available pieces, leavingyour ring slots open for powerful jewelry combinations. While this guide will not delve into the issues of specific breakpoint chasing, Attack Speed is animportant stat for Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (84) Hydra damage and a general recommendation on gear is to have three sources of 7% IAS (Gloves, Weapon and Chest); this way, even witha mediocre Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (85) Tasker and Theo, you will reach a comfortable 2 attacks per second from the Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (86) Hydras, without sacrificing other main stats.

The suggested set pieces to wear are Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (87) Tal Rasha's Allegiance, Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (88) Tal Rasha's Brace, Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (89) Tal Rasha's Guise of Wisdom, Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (90) Tal Rasha's Relentless Pursuit,Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (91) Tal Rasha's Stride and Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (92) Tal Rasha's Unwavering Glare, leaving your glove slot open for Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (93) Tasker and Theo gloves. Rolls-wise, it is recommended thatyou obtain Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (94) Meteor skill % on the helm, and seek out Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (95) Hydra skill % on the chest. Since this a purely spender-based spec with mostlymoderate resource costs, cooldown and resource cost reduction are not in demand, and you can devote your other stats to crit bonuses and toughness. Note that the4 piece Tal Rasha doubles your protection against elements, with the exception of poison and physical; as such, these single resistances are recommended in thesecondary stats of your gear.

Taking the aforementioned Tal Rasha pieces allows you to drop Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (96) Tal Rasha's Grasp for the Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (97) Tasker and Theo gloves. Since Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (98) Hydras count as pets,you will enjoy an immense boost to their attack speed and — as they benefit from the Tal Rasha 6 piece damage buff — a significant increase inoverall damage as well. As previously mentioned, seek out a glove with high Attack Speed, alongside Crit Chance and Crit Damage.

Introduced in Patch 2.2, the new best friend of the Tal Rasha set are the Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (99) Nilfur's Boast boots. Doubling the damage of Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (100) Meteors by default, andwith the potential to triple your Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (101) Meteor damage against three or less enemies, these boots are non-negotiable for a Tal Rasha Wizard. Naturally, seekout Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (102) Meteor % bonus alongside the usual primary stats.

The Season 3 bracer Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (103) Ranslor's Folly transform the often overlooked Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (104) Energy Twister skill into a potent source of crowd control, pulling enemiesup to 30 yards away on top of the Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (105) Wicked Wind cast. Preparing a pack for control through Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (106) Blizzard and paving the way for the Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (107) Meteoronslaught, these bracers are an excellent new asset, even if their pull does not affect elites.

The shoulder slot lacks a necessary legendary or set piece, and is free for experimentation as you see fit. You can add a bonus damage source on top byincluding the freshly buffed Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (108) Death Watch Mantle; alternatively, take another cheat death (however unreliable with its low proc rate) from theWizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (109) Pauldrons of the Skeleton King, found in Act I bounty caches. Whatever your choice is, aim to roll Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (110) Hydra % damage alongside toughness stats.

As previously mentioned, Patch 2.2 improves upon the Bastions of Will set by transforming Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (111) Focus and Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (112) Restraint into a powerful and consistentsource of damage. As long as you alternate between a primary and spender attacks, you will boost your damage with two separate 50% damage multipliers. Droppingthe Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (113) Unity ring, while noticeable, is somewhat offset by the 4 piece mitigation bonus of Tal Rasha; even so, keep the newfound frailty of yourcharacter in mind and always maintain distance and crowd control.

To complete the Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (114) Hydra aspect of the build, Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (115) Serpent's Sparker will double the number of Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (116) Hydras you can have active at any time. With theirdamage boosted by the Tal Rasha six piece bonus, your trusty summons will hold a devastating AoE frontline. If you have troubles finding a Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (117) Serpent's Sparker,switching to the Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (118) Meteor variation outlined above and using a good Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (119) Sun Keeper or crafted Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (120) Devastator is your next best option.

SlotPiecesStat Priority
  1. Socket
  2. Intelligence
  3. Critical Hit Chance
  4. Meteor %
  5. Vitality
  1. Intelligence
  2. Vitality
  3. Armor
  4. Hydra %
  5. Life %
  1. 3 Sockets
  2. Intelligence
  3. Vitality
  4. Hydra %
  5. Reduced damage from Elites
  1. Fire Damage
  2. Intelligence
  3. Critical Hit Chance
  4. Vitality
  5. Armor
  1. Intelligence
  2. Critical Hit Chance
  3. Critical Hit Damage
  4. Attack Speed
  5. Vitality
  1. Intelligence
  2. Vitality
  3. All Resistance
  4. Life %
  1. 2 Sockets
  2. Intelligence
  3. Vitality
  4. Armor
  5. Single Elemental Resistance (Poison prefered)
  1. Intelligence
  2. Vitality
  3. Meteor %
  4. All Resistance
  5. Movement Speed
  1. Socket
  2. Fire Damage
  3. Critical Hit Chance
  4. Critical Hit Damage
  5. Intelligence
Ring #1
  • Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (134) Focus (Best in Slot)
  • Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (135) Unity (Alternative)
  1. Socket
  2. Critical Hit Chance
  3. Critical Hit Damage
  4. Intelligence
  5. Attack Speed
Ring #2
  1. Socket
  2. Critical Hit Chance
  3. Critical Hit Damage
  4. Intelligence
  5. Attack Speed
  1. Socket (preferably from Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (141) Ramaladni's Gift)
  2. Weapon Damage
  3. Fire or Elite Damage (if Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (142) Devastator or Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (143) Sun Keeper)
  4. Intelligence
  5. % Weapon Damage
  6. Attack Speed

To help you with farming the gear you need for your builds, we have two veryuseful guides that you can access by clicking the links below: a Salvage Guide tohelp you quickly check whether or not you can safely salvage a piece of gear anda Legendary Farming Guide to help you efficiently farm legendaries and set items.

Legendary Item Salvage Guide Guide to Farming Legendaries and Set Items


Paragon Points

SlotParagon Points
  1. Movement Speed up to 25% cap
  2. Intelligence
  3. Vitality
  4. Maximum Arcane Power
  1. Critical Hit Damage
  2. Critical Hit Chance
  3. Attack Speed
  4. Cooldown Reduction
  1. Armor
  2. Life %
  3. All Resistance
  4. Life Regeneration
  1. Area Damage
  2. Resource Cost Reduction
  3. Life on Hit
  4. Gold Find



Your three jewelry sockets will be taken up by the legendary gems Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (144) Zei's Stone of Vengeance, Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (145) Bane of the Trapped and Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (146) Gem of Efficacious Toxin.The first two are extremely powerful as they are their own multipliers in your total damage calculation. Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (147) Gem of Efficacious Toxin makes up for itscomparatively smaller damage boost by being present all the time — unlike Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (148) Bane of the Powerful which, while still a viable choice, tends to run outduring long and important fights (i.e. the Rift Guardian). Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (149) Bane of the Powerful also implies high clearing speed of elites, which slows down significantlyin higher Greater Rifts.

A replacement for Toxin in the melee fighting, Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (150) Teleport variation of the build is Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (151) Pain Enhancer. You will often be within the 20 yard gemrequirement, gaining the Attack Speed bonuses from which your Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (152) Hydras benefit.

Torso and Pants


Kanai's Cube



For more information regarding followers, we advise you to read our FollowerGuide, which contains detailed advice for choosing the skills and the gear ofyour follower.

Diablo 3 Follower Guide



  • 14 Jan. 2016: With Patch 2.4, this build is no longer viable.
  • 25 Aug. 2015: Added Kanai's Cube recommendations for Patch 2.3.

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Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3) (2024)


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Name: Catherine Tremblay

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